Love Chalet ♥ ♥ ♥
my 5th and 6th Jan'09 were spent at Sentosa with the clique! Unfortunately, the clique wasn't whole as yingting wasn't able to make it.. :(
Overall, it was fun, hyper and simply crazy! :D
5th Jan:
Metup with ck, lau and grace at clementi MRT @ 12pm. Annabel and wendy had to rehearse the play so they'd meet us up later. We headed to vivo city and had lunch at toast box. IT WAS HORRIBLE I TELL YOU. No, not the food. It was the part where we had to snatch for places to sit! We missed quite a number as the working adults were faster than us.... oh manz... but we still got a place in the end. So it was nasi lemak+ milo+ tea for us all.
Aft we finished, it was still pretty early, so we went to the outdoor place to take pictures! BUTTTTTTT. At that precise moment, it had to rain. =.= tsk, so sao xing. Luckily it didn't last long lo...
Took the monorail to Sentosa afterwards! Stopped at Beach Station and we were captivated by the enticing sky rides. So we decided among ourselves that if it was below $15 for the ride, we'd take it. :) Went to check it out and YAY, $10 for a one way skyride upwards, then LUGE ride downwards. :) Woooooohoooooooooo.
Hurriedly checked the chalet to place our bags then headed back to the sky ride station!
Bought the tickets, and we were off. Our very first adventure. It was really cool. What beats the warm breeze+ magnificent view of the island+ the great company? That is, for only half of our ride up. The next half of the ride was blurry+ cold + wet. Yes, it rained, when we were in mid-air. Wow.
Upon reaching the skyride station at the other end, we dashed for shelter. Waited for the rain to be less heavy then we went to take our LUGE ride down. lolololol. It was okay lah. Quite fun, minus the bumpy road surfaces and the drizzle which evolved into heavy rain again. It was freezing when we finished our individual rides. Brr.
Because our tickets stated that we could have $2 off our next ride, we decided to go on board the sky ride again!! Hahahahah. This time, it was pouring the whole way. A whole new experience i guess.
Okay. So we decided to walk to the Merlion. Saw a peacock which refused to spread it's colourful tail(?) to show us. We even did a dance for it to enourage it to open it's tail ok. It still refused to. Gah. Irritating.
We arrived at the Merlion (miss tneeeeee! it's ultra super big!) but it was too cold to go into it. (It's air-conditoned and we were dripping wet at that moment.) So we had adventure #2 - to go inside the water thingy without being caught. The water was really warm! But it was scary ok. We kept looking behind out backs to make sure that no one was looking. hahhaha.
Followed the path ahead and we were back at the Beach station. :) Went back to the chalet to wash up, and await the arrival of our guest-of-honours, anna and wendy. Took many many pics while waiting. Pictures were hilarious. Spent half the time laughing at ourselves. lol...
6+pm and the VIPs arrived! Yayyyyy! Went back to vivo for dinner. Dined at burger king. heh. THENNNNNNNNNN. We went to the arcade! Spent quite a lot of money on the drums! Very cool okokok! One person in charge of one drum, and we stilled failed the stage ok! BUT WE DIDN'T GIVE UP; Played until we could pass all three stages with super flying colours. :D hahahahha. We are the retarded pros. :D
Wanted to take the monorail back to Sentosa, but we realised that our tickets weren't valid anymore lah like wth. Didn't want to pay another $3 just because in our excitement, we failed to see the TNC of the ticket in super small font and white in colour at the back of the ticket. So we decided to try our luck and take the bus. YEA SO MUCH FOR THAT. We missed the last bus by 9 MINUTES. ZZZ.
Almost wanted to walk back, but chucked the idea aft talking to a sentosa bus driver. (we wanted to persuade him to bring us back to sentosa, but to no avail.) So the 6 of us took a taxi. Hero ck took the lead and talked the taxi driver into allowing the 6 of us to take the same taxi. :)
Guess what. Upon reaching the entrance to Sentosa, we were told that we were to pay another $2 per person. Zzz....... sentosa... why like that....
Oh well. We were back at our chalet eventually.
The night was filled with TABOO, and we yelled our lungs out. We were really hyped up then. After two hours of yelling, we got..... hungry! Hahahaha. So we asked those ppl who were BBQ-ing to sell us chicken wings. As expected, they gave the chicken wings to us. foc. heh. :D The chicken wings were supaaa good. I think it was partly because we were hungryyyy.
oh right. It's 6 Jan already:
Continued taboo-ing. But it was in the slow-motion version, as we were tired alr. Ceased the game aft ard 1 hr more. Then it was 'performance time'. Or rather, yelling songs time. Our very own version of Don't forget the lyrics.
Blah blah talk somemore then dou liaoz. Slept like some pig. Woke up at 5.10am to see the sunrise. Ck, lau and anna refused to leave their beds. So grace, wendy and i went on adventure #3- catch the sunrise lolol. Failed lah. Went back to sleep.
Woke up at 9am, washed up and checked out. Bus back to vivo. Byebye. :D
DON'T BE SAD!!!!!!!
my 5th and 6th Jan'09 were spent at Sentosa with the clique! Unfortunately, the clique wasn't whole as yingting wasn't able to make it.. :(
Overall, it was fun, hyper and simply crazy! :D
5th Jan:
Metup with ck, lau and grace at clementi MRT @ 12pm. Annabel and wendy had to rehearse the play so they'd meet us up later. We headed to vivo city and had lunch at toast box. IT WAS HORRIBLE I TELL YOU. No, not the food. It was the part where we had to snatch for places to sit! We missed quite a number as the working adults were faster than us.... oh manz... but we still got a place in the end. So it was nasi lemak+ milo+ tea for us all.
Aft we finished, it was still pretty early, so we went to the outdoor place to take pictures! BUTTTTTTT. At that precise moment, it had to rain. =.= tsk, so sao xing. Luckily it didn't last long lo...
Took the monorail to Sentosa afterwards! Stopped at Beach Station and we were captivated by the enticing sky rides. So we decided among ourselves that if it was below $15 for the ride, we'd take it. :) Went to check it out and YAY, $10 for a one way skyride upwards, then LUGE ride downwards. :) Woooooohoooooooooo.
Hurriedly checked the chalet to place our bags then headed back to the sky ride station!
Bought the tickets, and we were off. Our very first adventure. It was really cool. What beats the warm breeze+ magnificent view of the island+ the great company? That is, for only half of our ride up. The next half of the ride was blurry+ cold + wet. Yes, it rained, when we were in mid-air. Wow.
Upon reaching the skyride station at the other end, we dashed for shelter. Waited for the rain to be less heavy then we went to take our LUGE ride down. lolololol. It was okay lah. Quite fun, minus the bumpy road surfaces and the drizzle which evolved into heavy rain again. It was freezing when we finished our individual rides. Brr.
Because our tickets stated that we could have $2 off our next ride, we decided to go on board the sky ride again!! Hahahahah. This time, it was pouring the whole way. A whole new experience i guess.
Okay. So we decided to walk to the Merlion. Saw a peacock which refused to spread it's colourful tail(?) to show us. We even did a dance for it to enourage it to open it's tail ok. It still refused to. Gah. Irritating.
We arrived at the Merlion (miss tneeeeee! it's ultra super big!) but it was too cold to go into it. (It's air-conditoned and we were dripping wet at that moment.) So we had adventure #2 - to go inside the water thingy without being caught. The water was really warm! But it was scary ok. We kept looking behind out backs to make sure that no one was looking. hahhaha.
Followed the path ahead and we were back at the Beach station. :) Went back to the chalet to wash up, and await the arrival of our guest-of-honours, anna and wendy. Took many many pics while waiting. Pictures were hilarious. Spent half the time laughing at ourselves. lol...
6+pm and the VIPs arrived! Yayyyyy! Went back to vivo for dinner. Dined at burger king. heh. THENNNNNNNNNN. We went to the arcade! Spent quite a lot of money on the drums! Very cool okokok! One person in charge of one drum, and we stilled failed the stage ok! BUT WE DIDN'T GIVE UP; Played until we could pass all three stages with super flying colours. :D hahahahha. We are the retarded pros. :D
Wanted to take the monorail back to Sentosa, but we realised that our tickets weren't valid anymore lah like wth. Didn't want to pay another $3 just because in our excitement, we failed to see the TNC of the ticket in super small font and white in colour at the back of the ticket. So we decided to try our luck and take the bus. YEA SO MUCH FOR THAT. We missed the last bus by 9 MINUTES. ZZZ.
Almost wanted to walk back, but chucked the idea aft talking to a sentosa bus driver. (we wanted to persuade him to bring us back to sentosa, but to no avail.) So the 6 of us took a taxi. Hero ck took the lead and talked the taxi driver into allowing the 6 of us to take the same taxi. :)
Guess what. Upon reaching the entrance to Sentosa, we were told that we were to pay another $2 per person. Zzz....... sentosa... why like that....
Oh well. We were back at our chalet eventually.
The night was filled with TABOO, and we yelled our lungs out. We were really hyped up then. After two hours of yelling, we got..... hungry! Hahahaha. So we asked those ppl who were BBQ-ing to sell us chicken wings. As expected, they gave the chicken wings to us. foc. heh. :D The chicken wings were supaaa good. I think it was partly because we were hungryyyy.
oh right. It's 6 Jan already:
Continued taboo-ing. But it was in the slow-motion version, as we were tired alr. Ceased the game aft ard 1 hr more. Then it was 'performance time'. Or rather, yelling songs time. Our very own version of Don't forget the lyrics.
Blah blah talk somemore then dou liaoz. Slept like some pig. Woke up at 5.10am to see the sunrise. Ck, lau and anna refused to leave their beds. So grace, wendy and i went on adventure #3- catch the sunrise lolol. Failed lah. Went back to sleep.
Woke up at 9am, washed up and checked out. Bus back to vivo. Byebye. :D
DON'T BE SAD!!!!!!!
At January 7, 2009 at 2:02 AM ,
Shin Fen said...
At January 7, 2009 at 12:22 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hahaha you all danced to a peacock?!?!?! Hahaha here to leave a comment anyway...TAGBOARD!!!
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