best of both worlds
School's getting better i guess. (:
Being in an odd combi class has its pros too: i get to know tons of people! Like i'll have a GP friend for GP class, PE friend etc etc. I also have a break friend! :D Heehee. Its fuzzy to know that my OG mates haven't forgotten me either. Yaye maybe i'll be spending my friday breaks w ka shin. She's v nice k. I feel v comfortable around her. (:
Well, the only thing that isn't getting better for me is.... the studies part, as you'd probably have guessed. Physics is O-M-G, Chem is H-U-H, Math is ???, but Lit is fun. (: Seriously, i'm like dying for Physics. SAVE ME!!! :( Oh, on second thought, i think that even superman can't save me. Yes, i'm that hopeless. AHHH BUCK UP MANZ!
Had cca prac today, and it was awkward. I wished that today didn't happen. I wish that i wasn't torn between two. I think they misunderstood. I hope that everything will be back to normal by tuesday. Please? ): I think i know where my loyalities lie alr. (:
Oh sheet, piles of undone hw lie before my eyes. Kk muggingz time. Aiyah tomorrow maybe, I'm tired alr. Goodnight world. (:
School's getting better i guess. (:
Being in an odd combi class has its pros too: i get to know tons of people! Like i'll have a GP friend for GP class, PE friend etc etc. I also have a break friend! :D Heehee. Its fuzzy to know that my OG mates haven't forgotten me either. Yaye maybe i'll be spending my friday breaks w ka shin. She's v nice k. I feel v comfortable around her. (:
Well, the only thing that isn't getting better for me is.... the studies part, as you'd probably have guessed. Physics is O-M-G, Chem is H-U-H, Math is ???, but Lit is fun. (: Seriously, i'm like dying for Physics. SAVE ME!!! :( Oh, on second thought, i think that even superman can't save me. Yes, i'm that hopeless. AHHH BUCK UP MANZ!
Had cca prac today, and it was awkward. I wished that today didn't happen. I wish that i wasn't torn between two. I think they misunderstood. I hope that everything will be back to normal by tuesday. Please? ): I think i know where my loyalities lie alr. (:
Oh sheet, piles of undone hw lie before my eyes. Kk muggingz time. Aiyah tomorrow maybe, I'm tired alr. Goodnight world. (:
At March 7, 2009 at 11:59 PM ,
singwithgrace said...
i wanna see huiling dance man! XD
At March 12, 2009 at 12:00 AM ,
Bea said...
seeeee... knew it was dance. lolx...
At March 16, 2009 at 8:03 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Woah Huiling the DANCER!!! HAHAHA later the judo guy see you dance then like you!!!
At March 17, 2009 at 7:45 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hahaha my phone has been confiscated for a month because i exceeded my phone bill too mnay times le
At March 18, 2009 at 1:06 AM ,
Unknown said...
hey u shud have a tag board so ppl can tag u!
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